Sunday, January 17, 2010

Contemplating on my 'tasks' for the year my previous post is basically garb related. So, I have been considering things in a wider "what do I want to accomplish SCA-wise in 2010" way.

In 2009, aside from working on updating my garb and making it more presentable, I have done a couple of other things.
- I tried some new things: making woven buttons and knitting stockings
- I actually taught a class again (An overview of women's fashion throughout Europe from 1480-1530)

I really enjoyed teaching the class and wish I knew more things that others might like to learn. That said, I am in the process of turning my notes from that class into an article 'Spanish Dress for Newcomers' -- basically talking about how a few simple things can turn a 'generic' 16th C. sort of look into something distinctly Spanish (gotta spread the 'Spanish love' ; )  ). Unfortunately, other than my research on dresses, I don't have anything else I could I think teaching will be off my list for 2010.

So, my SCA goals for this year:

1. Complete my 'self-challenge' from last year and finish making my complete Spanish outfit from the skin out.
2. Try 4 new crafts - 1st will be weaving (Ken got me a Beka lap loom for Christmas), don't know yet what the others will be, quite possibly dabbling in period dyes.

 1.Do a bit more 'service' oriented stuff at events. I find I get bored easily at events, so to that end I'm going to volunteer a bit more. For instance, I have volunteered as 'List Wench' for an upcoming rapier tourney (well, in March that is). We'll see how that goes. I just pray I don't completely screw it up! :)
2. If I can get my BP under control again, I'd really like to give field heraldry a try -- I'm just not sure if my anxiety level and BP can handle it. Hmmm...

Create at least 5 heraldic items
1. I want to make a heraldic motif underskirt (black with gold calatrava crosses either painted on or appliqued on -- probably painted since my applique skills are not that great).
2. Make heraldic cushions for our camp chairs (appliqued)
3. Get some wooden boxes for carting event stuff in and make them all spiffy with heraldry.
4. Make a painted rectangular banner for myself.
5. Heraldic feast gear (paint arms on plates and bowls, make pouches for our goblets and flatware, make napkins & place settings)
46. Last but not least -- REGISTER MY NEW NAME AND DEVICE!!!! *sigh* I've been soooooo slack about that!!

Being that I don't really know anything that others would be interested in learning (although if my chopines work out well, that might make a cool class), so my 'teaching' goals are more 'research/writing' oriented.
1. Finish writing up my "Quick & Easy Spanish Clothing" documentation and submit to local SCAmnewsletter, or kingdom A&S booklet....if all else fails, put it online.
2. Get my European Woman's Dress .ppt and handout up online so others can view them.

Hmm...that should keep me out of trouble. :)


  1. Have you seen this chopine site.

    Oh and piccies, want to see piccies.

    Branwen (St Floz)

  2. Yup...I've seen that site (have it marked) and I'm currently working on my 'planning'. I hope to get started sometime in the next 2 weeks. There will definitely be 'process' & 'pics' posted to the blog. :)
