Well, the corset is coming along. When trimming the plastic cable ties, the tin nips and gently melting the cut ends worked very well. After trimming all of the ties and the jute cord, the corset was pronounced by others as 'really neat'.
Now I'm on the odious task of putting lacing holes in the back. Since I am trying to maintain SOME form of authenticity, no metal grommets are being used, which means simply, that I am doing all of the lacing holes by hand. Yup, I use an awl, split the fibers apart and then with doubled red thread I hand stitch around each hole. It takes about 10-15 minutes per hole and I have 22 holes total to finish.
I don't really mind doing this. I actually like doing this type of hand sewing. The worst part is that I tend to kink my neck in an odd fashion while doing these things, and because of the tension I have to keep on the thread, after awhile it cuts my hands. So, if all goes well, I should have the lacing holes finished and the binding on the corset by the end of the weekend. Heres hoping anyway.... (pictures soon).